Was Sie immer über Ungleichheit wissen wollten

Ernst Fehr

SCIENCE magazine has just published a series of articles on the „Science of Inequality“ written by economists such as Thomas Piketty (Paris School of Econ), Emanuel Saez (Berkeley), David Autor (MIT), Janet Currie (Columbia), etc.. The articles are freely available (without a pay wall) at: http://www.sciencemag.org/site/special/inequality/

Content of the Special Issue on the Science of Inequality

Review Papers by economists:

  • Inequality in the long run
    Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez
  • Skills, education, and the rise of earnings inequality among the “other 99 percent”
    David H. Autor
  • Income inequality in the developing world
    Martin Ravallion
  • The intergenerational transmission of inequality: Maternal disadvantage and health at birth
    Anna Aizer and Janet Currie
  • On the psychology of poverty
    Johannes Haushofer and Ernst Fehr

Short pieces written by Science Editors or Scientists:

  • The Science of Inequality: What the numbers tell us
    Gilbert Chin and Elizabeth Culotta
  • The Science of Inequality: The ancient roots of the 1%
    Heather Pringle
  • The Science of Inequality: Our egalitarian Eden
    Elizabeth Pennisi
  • The Science of Inequality: Tax man’s gloomy message: the rich will get richer
    Eliot Marshall
  • The Science of Inequality: Can disparities be deadly?
    Emily Underwood
  • The Science of Inequality: While emerging economies boom, equality goes bust
    Mara Hvistendahl

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